Online earning got easier

Before you become a online earner, there are a few things worth knowing. The key is while some of these sites pay small amounts, add them all together and it can turn into an annual bonanza of £1,000s.
Don't store cash in online-earning accounts

How super successful, super busy entrepreneurs organize their day, 12 Productivity Tips,

Personal productivity is a key differentiator between those who succeed in their chosen field and those who do not," says bestselling author Brian Tracy. Leaders and entrepreneurs who are at the top of their game know how to achieve what they want in less time than others. We can learn a lot from the tactics of these successful, and incredibly busy, individuals on how to better organize our own days. Here are 12 top tips worth trying out:

1. Have a single purpose focus.
One thing many successful entrepreneurs have in common is the ability to focus on what matters most. Eric Schmidt, Google's executive chairman, says, "I keep things focused. The speech I give every day is: 'This is what we do. Is what we are doing consistent with that, and can it change the world?'" Jason Goldberg, CEO of, has this piece of advice: "Pick one thing and do that one thing—and only that one thing—better than anyone else ever could." We can derive a great deal of power from developing a laser focus on our top business priorities. It's one of the attributes that
sets apart the average businessperson from the more successful one.

2. Ruthlessly block out distractions. Tennis legend Martina Navratilova says, "I concentrate on concentrating." For those of us who don't have the willpower to be self-accountable, there are several technology solutions for blocking out distractions. For example, Rescue Time is an application that runs in the background of your computer and measures how you spend your time so you can make better decisions. Get Concentrating is another useful tool that will help you focus on important tasks by temporarily blocking social media sites. (Are you easily distracted? If so, here are six more popular programs to block distractions.)

Be Your "Vacation Self" In Your Everyday Life

"Isn't it interesting that people feel best about themselves right before they go on vacation? They've cleared up all of their to-do piles, closed up transactions, renewed old promises with themselves. My most basic suggestion is that people should do that more than just once a year."
~David Allen
I bet you really enjoy your "Vacation Self".
You are more relaxed when you're on vacation.
You are able to go with the flow.
You not nearly so concerned about planning... well... about planning ANYTHING.
And you can move mountains the day before you leave for vacation.
Think for a moment and remember the last time you were preparing to leave on vacation.
What did that motivation feel like? Pre-vacation motivation is very different from day-to-day motivation, don't you agree?
In just a few hours before you set off for vacation you can get an AMAZING amount of work done and things you've been putting off. In just a short amount of time, you will find yourself clearing up papers, clearing out you email inbox, doing several loads of laundry, filling up your gas tank, cleaning up the house for a smooth return, downloading books to listen to while traveling, clearing your calendar and updating your project status lists, and handling a bunch of miscellaneous tasks that you've been putting off, map out the best route, pack and load the car.
And you loved it getting all these things done! You were excited, full of energy, and focused on getting that stuff done.
Sound familiar?

What Is Your Next Indicated Step?

"It is a mistake to look too far ahead. Only one link of the chain of destiny can be handled at a time."
~Winston Churchill
I recently conducted a workshop for the ladies of the National Association of Women Business Owners Orange County. I was flattered that it was standing room only, but I was alarmed that so many of these successful and accomplished women still were feeling the pressure and stress of procrastination and overwhelm as the discussion unfolded last Wednesday night.
One of the things that has been coming up a lot lately in my own life with all the traveling, moving, changing dynamics in my family and shifts in my business - is the idea that I should be able to untangle all the different possibilities and options of something we're dealing with and figure everything out well in advance.
These days it is literally impossible for me to plan too far in advance - there are just too many unknowns and rapid changes, tragedies, and opportunities.
We think that if we could just figure it all out in advance, we could make the best choices and take actions right now. Back when my life was more "typical" I planned everything FAR in advance and down to the last detail (and even had a few back-up plans waiting in the wings).
That sounds really nice, doesn't it? Neat and tidy and wrapped up in a white Tiffany 's bow, right?
But has that ever actually worked for you? (It certainly hasn't worked for me either, although that hasn't stopped me from wearing myself out trying at different points in my life.)
On a smaller scale, I see many of my clients and acquaintances with big exciting ideas for a business and lifestyle design plans but they never seem to get started with the very small first step that we map out together.

Focus On Your Best 20 Percent

"Often he who does too much does too little."~Italian Proverb
I KNOW how busy you are.
I hear it all the time.
And I really do understand.
There are so many opportunities and ideas and to-dos, every single day.
But the truth is, most of what we put on our plate does not belong there.
Most of what we keep in our homes and offices no longer belongs there, including outdated business ideas, work that we don't really like, clients that aren't a great fit, activities that waste our time and provide no real joy or results, and the clutter and noise that clogs up a modern day.
The way to being more effective, getting more done, and enjoying it more is NOT about overflowing your plate.
It's about selectively, carefully choosing the few, powerful, important
things that truly matter to us... and then being willing to let go of the rest.
And that's the key: being willing to let go of the rest.
When you really look at your life, you will likely find that about 20% of how you spend your time, 20% of your stuff, 20% of your to-dos, 20% of the people you know, and so on bring you more of what you really want in your life than the other 80% combined.
You experience the most joy in that 20%.
You reach the most success, satisfaction, and results in that 20%.
And you find yourself in the flow, fully engaged in experiencing the magic of effortless productivity in that 20%.
So one really easy way to experience more of that joy, success, satisfaction, results, and flow is to look at the other 80% - to see what you can let go.
Keep the 20 percent that represents your best, your most joyful, your most effective and powerful.
Focus your time, attention, and energy on those important 20% of tasks, ideas, and actions that will give you 80% of results.
And let go of the rest.
So, what 80% parts of your "busy" life are you going to commit to give up so that you can focus on the 20% and have a more balanced life with even better results?
Erica Duran, CPO, is a published Productivity Expert/Coach, Web Designer & Certified Professional Organizer. She has been an entrepreneur and consultant for over 20 years.