Be Your "Vacation Self" In Your Everyday Life

"Isn't it interesting that people feel best about themselves right before they go on vacation? They've cleared up all of their to-do piles, closed up transactions, renewed old promises with themselves. My most basic suggestion is that people should do that more than just once a year."
~David Allen
I bet you really enjoy your "Vacation Self".
You are more relaxed when you're on vacation.
You are able to go with the flow.
You not nearly so concerned about planning... well... about planning ANYTHING.
And you can move mountains the day before you leave for vacation.
Think for a moment and remember the last time you were preparing to leave on vacation.
What did that motivation feel like? Pre-vacation motivation is very different from day-to-day motivation, don't you agree?
In just a few hours before you set off for vacation you can get an AMAZING amount of work done and things you've been putting off. In just a short amount of time, you will find yourself clearing up papers, clearing out you email inbox, doing several loads of laundry, filling up your gas tank, cleaning up the house for a smooth return, downloading books to listen to while traveling, clearing your calendar and updating your project status lists, and handling a bunch of miscellaneous tasks that you've been putting off, map out the best route, pack and load the car.
And you loved it getting all these things done! You were excited, full of energy, and focused on getting that stuff done.
Sound familiar?

Knowing that getting everything ready to go before you leave allows you to fully unwind when you reach your destination. You have a clear head and
heart to enjoy my time away.
Plus, you also have the added benefit of an easy re-entry back home, with a clean house and no backlog of tasks and piles to handle.
So what if we started to invite this vacation self into our everyday lives on a regular basis?
What would that look like?
What would that feel like?
Here are some ideas to get you started:
Set aside time every week for mini vacations.
We have 52 Saturdays and 52 Sundays a year... what if we used them to relax and unwind. Or whatever days of the week work for you - being an entrepreneur now, you have earned that luxury. Try going to all the fun places when the "GP" (General Public) isn't crowding them up.
I know, I know... those days get filled up with all kinds of to-do's and tasks and projects.
But what if you set aside even one day, or a half-day, that was your mini-vacation every week?
And then planned ahead so that you could ACTUALLY relax and enjoy that time.
You could use that extra motivation that we all seem to feel before we go on vacation to get the last emails answered, the last piles put away, and the house picked up so you could really unwind.
And then during your mini-vacation, you could turn off your computer, ignore your task list, unplug your electronics, set aside everything you think you 'should' be doing, and simply enjoy yourself. No schedule, no plan, no agenda.
Wouldn't that be worth creating space for?
Create more 'unplanned' time to allow yourself to follow your own inner guidance.
We have been taught to fill up every minute of our day so we can be 'productive' and 'not waste any time.'
Well, what if you started "un-filling" that time?
What if you started allowing your time to unfold, rather than planning every minute of it?
Would anything still get done? (I can assure you that, yes, stuff will still get done.)
The stuff that will get done will be done with more ease, more flow, and more grace.
And you'll experience a completely different way of moving through your day... again with more ease, more flow, and more grace.
Notice who you are on vacation, and bring more of you into your everyday life.
You remember you, don't you?
The you who loves to play at the beach, go to a theme park, or dig in the garden for hours on end?
Yes, that you. It's easy to get lost in the busy-ness of life, isn't it?
But you can bring that part of you back, into your daily life, by simply remembering to add joy every single day. Do something fun that you've had your eye on (especially if it seems too frivolous, too playful, or too childlike).
But, you will find that by doing less, your productivity will in fact soar! When you don't have anything fun planned... work, errands, and chores just seem to seep in and life passes you by. But, by planning fun, renewing things into your week you not only have something to look forward to, but the motivation to get just the really important things done that you've been putting off and the "busy work" just doesn't seem as important anymore.
Give yourself permission to be your "Vacation Self" while you are at home, work and in your everyday life.
What amazing things have you finished in record time because you knew you were going on vacation or out to do something fun?
Erica Duran, CPO, is a published Productivity Expert/Coach, Web Designer & Certified Professional Organizer. She has been an entrepreneur and consultant for over 20 years.
Erica works with new entrepreneurs who are just starting their business and have a ton of questions! She also works with those who have been in business for years but long to be more productive, organized, and "get their life back" by doing what they love and make a profit at it.

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