What Is Your Next Indicated Step?

"It is a mistake to look too far ahead. Only one link of the chain of destiny can be handled at a time."
~Winston Churchill
I recently conducted a workshop for the ladies of the National Association of Women Business Owners Orange County. I was flattered that it was standing room only, but I was alarmed that so many of these successful and accomplished women still were feeling the pressure and stress of procrastination and overwhelm as the discussion unfolded last Wednesday night.
One of the things that has been coming up a lot lately in my own life with all the traveling, moving, changing dynamics in my family and shifts in my business - is the idea that I should be able to untangle all the different possibilities and options of something we're dealing with and figure everything out well in advance.
These days it is literally impossible for me to plan too far in advance - there are just too many unknowns and rapid changes, tragedies, and opportunities.
We think that if we could just figure it all out in advance, we could make the best choices and take actions right now. Back when my life was more "typical" I planned everything FAR in advance and down to the last detail (and even had a few back-up plans waiting in the wings).
That sounds really nice, doesn't it? Neat and tidy and wrapped up in a white Tiffany 's bow, right?
But has that ever actually worked for you? (It certainly hasn't worked for me either, although that hasn't stopped me from wearing myself out trying at different points in my life.)
On a smaller scale, I see many of my clients and acquaintances with big exciting ideas for a business and lifestyle design plans but they never seem to get started with the very small first step that we map out together.

When I work with clients to break their projects down into easily digestible
steps and create a reasonable timeline, for some it totally backfires on me. The project is broken down but they still feel overwhelmed at the scope of the project and then amount of steps involved to make their dreams a reality.
What if you pulled way back from that idea, and simply focused on what was right in front of you?
What if you only did the next indicated thing?
Here's what I mean by "the next indicated thing."
The next indicated thing is the action you already know to take, the one that is right in front of you. It's the action that you can take today.
And it's usually a very simple action.
It might be to make a phone call that you've been avoiding. Or doing some research on the place you're considering moving to. Or buying just the domain name you've been thinking about for your business. Or taking a nice long walk with your dog.
When you give yourself permission to do what you feel guided to do right now, without stressing and worrying and wondering how this one action fits in with the bigger picture, you start connecting with the flow of your own life.
You start listening to your inner inklings in the moment. You start following your personal energy and rhythms. You receive the guidance you need.
Amazingly enough, time starts becoming your friend. It bends and shapes around what you need. You have plenty of time to do what matters most.
And even more wonderful, as you take each indicated action, the next one gently becomes clear. In fact, I often have found that until I do the next indicated thing, the action after that will not become clear no matter how much "hard thinking" I put into it.
You can let go of needing to know how it's all going to turn out, and trust that it will.
You can give up the belief that it's your job to make it all turn out, and surrender to the flow of it unfolding in a way that you couldn't have even imagined.
And, don't worry - just doing the next indicated thing will still give you plenty to do.:)
So what is your next step? What will you take ACTION on TODAY to move forward?
Erica Duran, CPO, is a published Productivity Expert/Coach, Web Designer & Certified Professional Organizer. She has been an entrepreneur and consultant for over 20 years.
Erica works with new entrepreneurs who are just starting their business and have a ton of questions! She also works with those who have been in business for years but long to be more productive, organized, and "get their life back" by doing what they love and make a profit at it.
If you've liked this article, you'll love Erica's dynamic courses and programs to help you get productive, organized, & profitable and stay that way.

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